“Your choice”: The montessori method.

  The Montessori method, developed by Maria Montessori and used around the world for  more  than a century,  was born relying on the idea of presenting an alternative method as oposition to the traditional education. This method emphasized the potential children have to discover knowledge. Therefore, recognizing, initiating and developing their own learning style. The … Continue reading “Your choice”: The montessori method.

The issue with communication: A pragmatic view.

By Daniel López "By the way, what is communication?" it is probably one of those questions that cannot be answered by spitting a short and simple definition. Perhaps due to its wide range of views, perceptions, diverse definitions, or dimensions. Nonetheless, skipping the "definition" issue, just assuming a general understanding of communication by pairing it … Continue reading The issue with communication: A pragmatic view.

El bloque H.

Siendo miembro del Magazine "Postscript" del programa Licenciatura en bilingüismo de la Universidad Tecnólogica de Pereira. Hace un par de años me dí a la tarea de indagar un poco en cuanto al nacimiento, historia y construcción del bloque H. Renombrado recientemente como bloque 12.  Por: Daniel López Salazar. Narrado por: Victoria Luisa Aristizábal (Coordinadora … Continue reading El bloque H.


  By Daniel López “Curiosity is the most powerful unknown knowledge we have” There is certain curiosity in all of us that lead us to discover, learn and explore new frontiers. However, how beneficial is it to know where people, traditions, expressions, or even words come from? Besides getting involved into general knowledge, the fact … Continue reading Perspectives

The impact of the exposure to authentic input on the speaking skill

Reflective essay: The impact of the exposure to authentic input on the speaking skill. by: Daniel López Introduction This project aims to develop some insights related to the stimulus authentic input during classroom sessions has on the development of language skills; particularly the speaking skill of students who are taking courses of English as a second … Continue reading The impact of the exposure to authentic input on the speaking skill

Beyond the curriculum: TEACHING THE INVISIBLE

Beyond the curriculum: TEACHING THE INVISIBLE. Reflection made from the process of bilingualism in a vulnerable community. By: Daniel López . As teachers stepping into a classroom for the very first time represents more than what words can express; anxiety, excitement or even fear. Many nights were spent over thinking of that first time, What should … Continue reading Beyond the curriculum: TEACHING THE INVISIBLE